Saturday, October 31, 2009

We will, we will FROCK you.

A friend of mine had once supplied me with a number of feminine songs, literally because the folder was named Girls. Typical to my nature I completely forgot about it till I rediscovered it today. I was ecstatic to see a folder called GIRLS … expecting to open it to get a collection of pictures of girls that I have collected over the years surfing facebook and orkut (yes my lack in life is that intense) I got a folder with a compilation of songs by girls. The term ‘girls’ here incorporates – Ashley Tisdale (a blonde girl from high school musical...Reserve your smirks till the end), Atomic Kitten (can anyone explain what these band members were thinking while naming the band), PINK, Pussycat Dolls (doesn’t pussy and cat mean the same… if I refuse to acknowledge another meaning exists of the previous word) and many more bands with equally anatomical names.
Well there was a certain song, a famous song “we will rock you” (ya I know you are giving me a look for calling it a famous song… okay it’s a classic). In this certain folder, there is a cover of this song by Britney, Be Bouncy (Beyonce) and PINK. I panicked; I thought it was another virus in my stable full of Trojans. Delicately I clicked on it almost expecting it to burst or consume all my work but it was actually a file with a song entwined with it. It had an immense build up; I could imagine Britney spears coming up from the centre in a tight glittery pink two- piece and Beyonce slithering down a rope in a cat suit like thing. The gyrations soon began in the song and in the video of my mind…. It was scary. Those ‘singers’ kept on singing rock you… in the most hip hopish orgasmic manner. (Actually thinking about Beyonce was not all that bad… ermm due to certain reasons …)
A request to all the POP-ers in the world, please leave Pink Floyd, Bach, Radiohead and Coldplay from your jaws.
Thank you.
Ps: if you stop talking to me after reading this title I completely understand.


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